M-F, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
930 Hilltop Dr, Suite 100
Weatherford, TX 76086

M-F, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
930 Hilltop Dr, Suite 100
Weatherford, TX 76086

An Umbrella Insurance Policy offers additional liability insurance for claims exceeding your existing automobile or homewner's insurance policies.  Umbrella insurance is sold in $1million increments and costs on average between $150-$300 a year. These fairly inexpensive policies are worth looking into to ultimately secure your financial protection.  Click here to learn more about an umbrella policy.

Ever had an insurance Question but didn't know who to ask?  Well, we've got the answers you've been looking for...

Items were stolen from your vehicle.  They are valued at $4800.00.  Under what type of policy would this loss be covered?  Homeowner's Policy:  Personal property is not covered by an automobile policy.  Items in your vehicle are covered by a homeowner's or renter's policy under the Personal Property Coverage.

The declarations page of your auto policy states that your liability coverages are 100 300 100.  What coverage does the last figure represent?  Property Damage:  The 100 300 is the amount that would be paid towards personal injuries of others if you were found liable in an automobile accident.  The last 100 is what would be covered towards the property of others due to your liability.  Comprehensive and Collision cover your own vehicle.

You own the home, but you rent it to others.  What type of policy do you need?  Dwelling Fire:  A dwelling fire policy covers the home itself, limited contents coverage, and liability insurance.  As you are renting the home to others, a homeowners policy would not be appropriate.  The renter should take out a renters policy to cover their personal property against a loss.

You were in an auto accident that is not your fault.  The other party either has no insurance or refuses to pay.  Your insurance company pays for your damages and then has the right to go after the liable party for compensation.  This is referred to as what?  Subrogation

Want to learn more?  Paschall Insurance Group knows insurance can be difficult to understand, that is why we are here to help simplify it all for you.  Let us do what we do best so you can focus on what you do best!

A preponderance of fender-benders and speeding tickets could add to some consumers’ insurance rates – not just on auto policies, but for a homeowners policy, too.

A new Allstate product, House & Home, looks at prospective customers’ driving records and auto insurance claims when determining rates for a homeowners insurance policy. According to the Chicago Tribune, Allstate documents for its agents state, “Research shows there is a strong correlation between auto and homeowners’ losses and that a person’s driving history can be a predictor of an individual’s loss potential with their home."  Click here to read the full article.


Home and auto insurers bombard everyone with slick ads telling them that they are in good hands and that they’ll be there for you in your time of need – just like a good neighbor.  But the ugly truth is that deregulation has allowed insurance companies to carve up their policies over the last decade. Consumers are paying sky-high rates for policies that do not cover many of the perils you would expect.  The Texas insurance market has become overwhelmingly complex, leaving many policyholders frustrated.  Click here to read the full article.

This is why it has never been more important to have a relationship with your Insurance Agent/Agency.  Your agent is your insurance educator and advocator, they can cut through the complexity of it all and make sure you have the coverage needed and arm you with the knowledge and peace of mind you deserve.  An Independent Agent can take the frustration of rising premiums away by easily shopping your insurance with multiple carriers and finding the best coverage at the best price to meet all of your insurance needs. 

This week is Spring Severe Weather Awareness Week.  Though there is nothing that you can do to stop the storms there are a few precautions that you can take to give you some peace of mind when the big storm strikes.  The spring storms in 2011 brought in approximately 160,000 insurance claims, which is tremendously high.  When preparing for spring storms, take the time to go over your insurance coverage to make sure that you are adequately covered even if the worst disaster should occur.  Review the full policy either on your own, or with an insurance agent or representative.  This can help you to be certain that you won't be left with financial catastrophe following any damages that your precautions could not prevent.  Click here to read the full article.